The staff and parents of South Park School are committed to a philosophy that endeavours to develop the full potential of all children. We attempt to meet the needs of each child in the areas of intellectual, emotional, social, physical and aesthetic development. We believe that this is best done in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect where parents are involved in
their children’s education.
We believe that children with positive self-concepts are the most successful learners, and so it is one of our goals to help children build their self-esteem. We strive to instruct children in ways that best fit their individual learning styles.
We believe that children thrive in an environment that encourages cooperation rather than competition. Multi-age classes are organized wherever possible so that each student can be placed in an academic and social setting that will accommodate him or her most effectively. The staff and parents of South Park School believe that children can develop to their fullest potential when these needs have been met.
We believe that parent participation is integral to the children’s educational development.
We believe that letter grades are detrimental at the elementary school level, so other forms of assessment, evaluation and reporting are used.