Safety is a top priority for each and every member of our community. Students need to have healthy minds and bodies to be ready to learn and explore. Feeling safe and included: Emotions are the ‘gatekeepers’ to learning. We want every child to feel safe and included at South Park. In classrooms and assemblies, we spend time discussing and teaching lessons to focus on social and emotional development. We also use Restitution as a problem-solving model when students make mistakes. Home-school partnership and regular communication are critical to ensuring all students feel safe and included.
*Please see the South Park Family School Code of Conduct for more detailed information.
Allergy Awareness
South Park has students and staff with severe allergies. Shellfish and all types of nuts (peanuts and tree nuts) and uncooked dairy products are the greatest concern. For some students, these foods cause an anaphylaxis reaction which could result in death. We also have a number of families who are gluten intolerant. When preparing lunches, we strongly encourage the use of alternatives to peanut or nut butters, and we ask that you avoid sending peanuts, all types of tree nuts and shellfish.
*For classrooms with severe allergy concerns, students with allergens in their lunch will be asked to eat at a specific table / desk. Our supervisors and custodians will have specific cleaning tasks for these rooms and furniture to reduce exposure and risk.
Please visit School District #61’s Healthy, Safe and Caring Schools webpage for information on anaphylaxis training, childhood diseases and ailments.
Reducing the risk for these students and staff is of great importance. Thank you for your support and effort to make South Park a healthy, safe and caring place for everyone!
Here is a link for anaphylaxis training, this is the same course our staff takes each year.